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Noah’s Story

Noah’s therapist, Christy, watched him blossom through Vision Therapy. She knew he would be successful, as his parents worked diligently with Noah – Age 9 – at home, making activities more challenging when needed.

Noah’s interest in reading grew & he was thrilled to receive books from his favorite series, Ranger in Time for his Graduation from VT.

My child had problems with reading & math at school. School started a learning plan and we noahtalked to our pediatrician who suggested us to see Dr. Johnson for symptoms of tracking and focusing difficulties.

Noah had trouble reading at his grade level and reading without a focus bookmark or using his finger to track. He was a grade level behind in reading. The Deibel’s test was below benchmark on everything. He was put in a special ed class. Noah had a hard time focusing in class, and doing homework correct the first time. The teachers would send work home to correct for a better grade, however he knew the answers when we worked with him one on one.

Today, after vision therapy, the grades are coming up from D’s & C’s to A’s & B’s. The special ed teacher is so impressed with Vision Therapy, she is recommending VT for other students. Noah is reading at his grade level at 83 WPM with 95-97% accuracy and with better fluency. Work is not being sent home anymore. He is getting A’s & B’s on the first try in class. His homeroom teacher is saying Noah is working with more confidence and even letting them know when fellow students were distracting him. He still has room to improve, but the good thing is, he is improving at a great rate. My wife and I are so happy with the progress and will continue the maintenance activities to help our child be a success in school.”

– Noah’s Dad, Aaron

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