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Dominic’s Story

“When I started second grade I noticed when I read it was blurry and the words were scrunched together. I felt embarrassed that I couldn’t read like my friends. I started to go to therapy with Chris. After going to therapy for a while I noticed a big difference. My eyes weren’t blurry or the words weren’t scrunched together. I got tired of doing therapy every night, but I still did it. Now I can read better than my friends. I couldn’t have done it without Chris.”

— Dominic, Age 8


“My heart broke when Dominic’s teacher called me saying that he broke down crying during a reading test at school. I knew I had to do something for him. Another parent suggested giving Dr. Johnson a try.

I always thought something was “off” about Dominic’s reading. He was about to go into 2nd grade and still reading very slow and he would forget the words he just read, having to sound them out again. He was so smart in all other areas and a very good kid. I was referred to Dr. Johnson and we started VT in October. We were very dedicated to the activities at home and each week a drive almost 2 hours to Marquette. It wasn’t easy or fun taking time each day to make sure we did his therapy. When we had Dominic’s progress check in December I almost cried to hear and see the improvements he had made in 2 short months. That made every sacrifice worth it.

It is now April and Dominic has completed VT and I couldn’t be a prouder mom. Dominic started with a kindergarten reading level and is now at a 4th grad level (2 grades above his age). His confidence has changed. He actually likes to read now when just 6 months ago he said he hates to read. This program is so amazing I wish more people knew about it.

My advice to moms – this is the single most important thing you can do for your child’s future. If your child can read and have confidence in school it will lead to great things. If you do the therapy at home it will work. I am so grateful to Dr. Johnson and Chris. You have changed our lives!”

– Dominic’s Mom, Jessica

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