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Medically Necessary Contact Lenses











What Are Medically Necessary Contact Lenses?

Medically necessary contact lenses are used to rehabilitate the vision of patients who have lost best corrected vision due to ocular disease or high refractive error. If a patient can only see clearly when a contact lens is used, the contact lens is deemed “medically necessary.”

Medically necessary contact lenses are not the same as “cosmetic” contact lenses. Cosmetic contact lenses are considered elective and are typically not covered by insurance.












Finding a contact lens that fits properly can be a frustrating experience as each patient and each lens design is different. Many lenses may need to be trialed. Once a lens is decided upon, we try to achieve three key elements:

  1. Optimal correction of your vision.
  2. Comfort‐lenses need to be tolerable as they may need to be worn several hours throughout the day.
  3. The first two goals need to be achieved without compromising the health of your eyes.

It is important for you to be aware that sometimes all three goals can not be achieved simultaneously. It is important to be an active participant in the trial fitting and wearing process.

At Superior Eye Health & Vision Therapy Center, we strive to help you achieve the best vision possible and want to ensure the entire fit and wear process is understood.


If you have vision insurance, we may be able to bill your contact lens fitting as well as your contact lenses to the insurance.

Common Vision Insurance Plans Accepted:

  • Vision Service Plan (VSP)
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield Vision
  • Heritage

If we are unable to bill your vision insurance or they do not contribute to the expenses, you can expect an out of pocket charge of roughly $1500.00 which includes your contact lens fit as well as the contact lenses.

All follow up evaluations will be billed to medical insurance as well as preliminary testing such as the refraction and topography.

Meet the Doctor

Jessica Hartwig, OD

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